You go to great lengths to keep your home tidy, yourself healthy, and your life in order. You shower daily, do laundry regularly, and would never dream of letting a spill linger in the kitchen only to attract bacteria and funky smells. While those of us with children seem to be especially conscious of germs, most of us have our minds on sanitation to some extent and we like to think of ourselves as clean, tidy people. That said, have you ever considered the bacteria lingering on your toothbrush after it has spent two minutes in your mouth? Have you given thought to where it spends the 23 hours, 56 minutes every day that it isn’t in use? Today, we’re talking toothbrushes and how to keep them clean and tidy so you can keep your mouth healthy and happy!
You go to great lengths to keep your home tidy, yourself healthy, and your life in order. You shower daily, do laundry regularly, and would never dream of letting a spill linger in the kitchen only to attract bacteria and funky smells. While those of us with children seem to be especially conscious of germs, most of us have our minds on sanitation to some extent and we like to think of ourselves as clean, tidy people. That said, have you ever considered the bacteria lingering on your toothbrush after it has spent two minutes in your mouth? Have you given thought to where it spends the 23 hours, 56 minutes every day that it isn’t in use? Today, we’re talking toothbrushes and how to keep them clean and tidy so you can keep your mouth healthy and happy!