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Loop (872) 259-6353

River North (708) 260-6916

Do you remember how the process of getting a crown used to take days or even weeks to complete? Now, there has been a breakthrough in restorative dentistry that will completely change your experience at the dentist—same-day crowns! With the CEREC same-day crowns system, we can create custom-made ceramic crowns right at your chair side. The process is simple: we start by preparing your tooth for the device. Then, we will take digital photographs of your tooth to create a three-dimensional model. Your dentist will use this model to create your crown right in front of you! In a matter of minutes, your dentist will send the design for your new device to the in-office milling unit to carve out your new crown. There are so many reasons that we’re excited about this technology—and you should be too! Check out these ways that the CEREC same-day crowns system will change your visits to the dentist.

Improve your smile immediately.

Now, you don’t need to wait weeks to have your crowns put in place. With same-day crowns, you can have your smile renewed almost immediately! Using our in-office milling unit and a three-dimensional model of your mouth, we’ll create your crown right at your chair side. Skip the temporary crowns and walk away with your new device in only a matter of hours.

Skip the uncomfortable impressions.

The traditional way of taking impressions of your teeth has always been a bit uncomfortable—the trays of putty can often cause a gag reflex. Now, with the CEREC system, we can create a mold of your mouth without the hassle. Using CAD (computer-aided design) technology, we simply take photographs of your teeth to create a three-dimensional, virtual mold. This digital impression is then used to create a ceramic mold with which we can make your customized crown.

Save your vacation days for your actual vacation.

Getting crowns always used to require multiple visits to the dentist. Now, with same-day crowns, we can prepare your teeth, create your crown, and place your restorative device all in just a matter of hours. And because you don’t need to wait multiple days for a lab to create your crown, you don’t need to make more than one visit to the office—so you can save your vacation days for things you actually enjoy!

Get involved with your treatment.

With the CEREC system, we give the power back to the patient! We design your device right at your chair side, which gives you the opportunity to have a say in the appearance of your new crown. At Downtown Dental, we can address any questions or concerns right there on the spot.

Enjoy long-lasting results.

While these same-day crowns are made much more quickly, that doesn’t make them less durable. In fact, the CEREC system carves your crowns out of a block of ceramic—a stronger material than others that can be used to make crowns. This ensures that your crown will be of good quality and last for many years to come. Do you want to see the CEREC same-day crowns system in action? Call our Loop office, your trusted cosmetic dentist in Chicago, to schedule your appointment!